We have started a collaboration with our CRM and CO2logic in order to calculate, reduce & offset the incompressible CO2 emissions. When providing you with a invoice we will calculate the weight and distance between pick-up and delivery and provide you the possibility to offset and thus to integrate CO2-Neutrality in your orders.
The remaining climate impacts will be offset with certified climate projects selected by CO2logic. These climate projects have a positive impact on different Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
For more information about CO2-Neutrality: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shn3dh7xfhw
CO2logic is an independent consultancy office specialized in calculating, reducing, and offsetting CO2 emissions. CO2logic also supports and develops climate projects in developing countries (Burkina Faso, Benin, Uganda, DRC, Rwanda, Kenya, Zamba etc.) in partnership with local NGOs in order to offset the incompressible carbon footprint of its clients and partners. The CO2 Neutral label (validated by Vinçotte) ensures that organizations also take responsibility for their remaining emissions and climate impact.